Events focussing on Flight, University of Marburg

In the context of the ‘Europawoche’ (4. – 7. May) there will be a number of events and discussion focussing on asylum and forced migration at the University of Marburg. The program is accessible online.

As a start of the program on Monday 4 May, the Center for Conflict Studies invites to the interdisciplinary lecture series entiteled  Konflikte in Gegenwart und Zukunft“ (conflicts in presense and future) for a presentation about Alle wollen nach Europa, oder? Reflektion der globalen Flüchtlingstrends“ (Everyone wants to come to Europe, no? Reflections of global Refugee Trends) by me. It will start at 6.30 pm.

Afterwards, there will be interesting events every day..

The program overview:


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